
By LifeLines

Using our senses

A bright sunny morning with a steady northerly wind so our morning dog walk a little nippy.

I’ve been feeling the need to get outside more this weekend so cleared the leaves in the back garden which have now nearly all dropped in the last week. Then I spent a few hours at the allotment, weeding, pruning and digging - especially the back bed where earlier in the year you may recall I removed two old gooseberry bushes. The soil there was filled with thick bindweed roots and I’ve had to work meticulously to try to remove as much as possible. By the time I had finished the sun has disappeared and it was feeling particularly chilly but I stayed and drank my flask of tea enjoying the stillness and peace of the moment.

This afternoon I’ve been writing up my aromatherapy case studies from earlier this week and making some aromatic shower gel. It takes a lot of time and has run into the evening but I’m nearly there with it now.

We had an enjoyable afternoon dog walk as the light faded and the temperature dropped. Invigorating to walk in the brisk cold wind, and yet calming too as we watched the kestrel hovering in the sky above us. Meanwhile Merlin is in his element, leaping through the long dry grasses scenting for animals as he goes. Such a joy to watch him following his instincts and using his finely tuned senses to detect a world of smells and sounds of which I am completely unaware.

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