First Frost and a Busy Day

Oh we had a heck of a frost this morning - the garden was so beautiful, transformed by a sugar coating of ice crystals. The ornamental kale looked like it had been dipped in sugar (almost edible, as it were!). 

And it was so foggy...the dampness and cold caused a thick fog this morning which was beautiful as I drove through it to Sauvie Island to the botanical garden's president's (Sean Hogan) house to work on our year-end fundraising mailing...followed by a fabulous wreath making class taught by the extraordinary Riz Reyes of Seattle. They've been friends for years and Sean holds this wreath making event yearly for the employees of his nursery. This year Riz joined the fun along with several of the Portland Botanical Gardens volunteers.  

Sean's home and surrounding 7 acres is truly a small botanical garden, and he and Riz and others spent the last two days gathering greens from the property. We had our pick of so many glorious materials that I've never used in a wreath before...and certainly don't grow in my yard! You'll see my wreath in the extras, along with a detail. A chilly but very fun day! 

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