It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

What Next!!!!

On my pc in spare room this morning afterwork and heard this almighty bang!
Made me shake! Went into our bedroom to find the newly installed window had cracked from top to bottom and had kicked out loads of tiny glass shards! It was still moving so in a panic I phoned southam windows ( never eve use them they are crap)
And the guy said he couldn’t come out till Wednesday eve!!!
It’s not stable so he said put masking tape on it’ll be fine! Yeah right!
Run out of masking tape so then went for the gorilla tape and put a black plastic bag over the area in case it still goes. I dare not use big Dyson vacuum as it rumbles the floor and would probably make it ping! I’ve decided not to sleep in there today so I’m heading for the spare room as I don’t trust it one bit.
So sick of shit happening all the time!


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