Bird ......

...... Alone!
The sky, when I left the pool this morning, was a ripple of clouds . Like waves on a blue sea, and sitting alone at the top of the tree was this bird ,which I think is a crow. It made such a nice picture , so just had to be my blip for the day. I was in the pool by
7.30 am and left at 8.20 am having completed the task. Must say it was hard to decide to go for 2 reasons 1. it was very cold 2. I was very tired. However I'm glad I did. Got a wash in now but will need a 2nd onefor the towels, so that will be a good job done. Then I must shop for some veggies to make soup. Yes its soup weather with a vengeance , tho' I must say I like soup any time! It was 3%c when I came out of the pool , dont think it will go too much higher today. Still it could be worse!
Have a pleasant day everyone.

Thoughtful .... about how fortunate I am to be able to have days that enable me to get out, some are not so fortunate.

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