
By XSworld

Dewdrops 4/7

The rain stopped yesterday and today is a typical humid autumn day which means the dewdrop situation is much better than it was yesterday, although not as spectacular as last weekend (sic!). Plants on the ground are still wet from yesterday's rain and there was only minimum dew-forming this morning, but the taller plants told a slightly different story. When one starts to observe dew-forming it becomes obvious that not all plants behave the same way, some have big dewdrops on the edges of the leaves, others have dewdrops that form on the hairs on the leaves or leave edges, then there are those who have small drops all over the plant (leaves and petals). Finally there are plants, like the one in today's blip, that wouldn't have any dewdrops at all if it wasn't for the fact that a spider had made a complex web on its seedhead, making it rather decorative and visible from a far -but I guess the spider isn't that happy!

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