Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pink Rose.

The Feast Day of St. Columbanus
Today feels like a Monday, because Paul had yesterday as a holiday for our anniversary.
I am feeling a bit sad because a lovely bungalow we had set our hearts on has been offered to someone else today. It was in a peaceful location with a little garden and a double garage. It is amazing how quickly you can feel attached to a house. but now I have to let it out of my heart and be open minded to finding somewhere else with all the features we are hoping for.
The morning was nice here, no frost, 6c and blue skied, but the light is falling now at 3:30pm and the evening drawing in.
The beautiful rose was in a front garden on my walking route and it is a bonus to see them at this time of year.
Have a lovely evening and thanks for visiting blip friends.

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