Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Sunrise over the school sport's field.

The Feast Day of St. Cecilia. Patron Saint of Music.
Arthur woke us up at an unearthly hour bless him. I got up and fed him and gave him a big fuss. If anyone has a good way of stopping a cat yowling for attention without using medication, I would be grateful for the advice. He eventually calms down, but it is always at first light.
Then I had the rare advantage of getting my camera and capturing a frosty sunrise. It was 1c earlier but now it is 4c. It is great pure, clear air.
I am more owl than lark, so sunrises are not likely to happen often on my blip site..
Paul and me are celebrating 35 years of marriage today. God blessed us with a lovely son, daughter and two wonderful grandsons.
Have a good day everyone and wrap up warmly.

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