My little bed

I've got two beds. How lucky am I? I have a big bed in the kitchen where I sleep at night and where I snooze when Ann leaves me 'home alone'. And I have this little bed in the living room where I snooze during the day. My little bed is my favourite because when I lie in it I can still keep an eye on what my human is doing and I have my two favourite sticks right next to it. I know it looks very little in this Blip but I can assure you that I love it. I feel all safe & secure when I'm snuggled up in it. See here.

Anyway, do you want to know what Ann did with my little bed just before bedtime last night? ............................ She washed it. She said, 'Trixie, I think your little bed will fit in the washing machine and if I wash it just before bedtime it can dry overnight and be nice and clean for you in the morning.' So that is what she did.

By morning my little bed was clean and dry. ...................I don't like my little bed any more. I haven't been in it once today. In fact when I came back from my walk this morning, I sniffed it and it smelt too clean so I decided I might as well just lie down on the rug and snooze sitting up................

Ann felt sure that by this afternoon I'd have gone back into it because it really is my favourite spot. She's now thinking that she might have to lure me back into it with treats. Mmmmmm.................... depending on what treats she gives me..................... that might work. I think I'll hold out for some cheese or chicken. We'll keep you up-dated.

PS – the good thing about my big bed is........................ it's too big to go into the washing machine. Yay! Every now and again Ann washes the cushion but the actual bed doesn't fit in the washing machine so she just has to sponge wash it. That means it always smells like my bed.

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