You have no idea how angry Ann is with me. She was so angry with me that she almost smacked me and she's never, ever, smacked me. Can you see what I've done? I've chewed the wall and now there's a deep hole that will need re-plastering.

When I was a weeny, teeny little puppy I chewed things and walls were my favourite thing to chew. …............But I've not chewed for about 2 years so what made me chew today? I'm three years old for goodness sake.

The only thing Ann can think of is....................... she didn't give me enough exercise before she left me 'home alone'. Ann did a four hour shift at 'Wilkies' this morning and then she went straight off to do a 'meet & greet' so I was left 'home alone' for five and a half hours. I've been left for that length of time before and usually I'm just snoozing in my bed when Ann returns. Today I was sitting beside my dog gate and I gave Ann ever such a nice welcome. Normally I don't bother giving her any kind of welcome?!

Ann thinks she maybe made me get up too early. Normally we get up between 7.30-8am-ish so that when I go out for my first walk of the day it's getting light. This morning we went out at 7am and it was pitch black. In fact it was so dark, I had to wear my illuminating dog collar and there was absolutely no way we were going through the Hermitage or anywhere else where I could have a good run about. I had to stay on my lead and we just pounded the streets for 45 mins. Perhaps that wasn't enough exercise for me??? Who knows?!!

What I do know is............................ Ann is still angry with me. She took me to the park this afternoon for run about time and my behaviour was impeccable. And as soon as we got home I went into my little bed for snooze time. However, Ann says if I ever, ever, ever, do inappropriate chewing again I will be in big deep trouble!!

If anyone has any ideas/theories about why I've reverted to silly puppy behaviour please let us know............................

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