Is this the last rose of the year…

… or do other blippers know different?

Yesterday’s sparkling day turned into today’s drab, colourless day, it was only this beacon of pink that saved the day. Could be a blip challenge to see who, in the UK could post the last flowering rose.

The spare carpet underlay went today and those picture frames are being collected tomorrow morning. A lady wanted them for her daughter’s art work at school. She very generously offered half a dozen eggs from her chickens as a thank you.

Spent the afternoon on calls and chores while Susan went to see her mum. Much time was occupied trying to get a program called Jamulus to work so that I could join a virtual ukulele jam let by an organisation called Uketok.

Jamulus allows all participants to hear each other play without any latency - the trade off is that jammers can’t see each other. I can hear the organiser, he can’t hear me. Battle recommences tomorrow..

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