Radical surgery but flourishing….

I wonder if the tree I blipped the other day which so severely attacked by a chainsaw would recover as well as this one which seems to be flourishing.

We walked into town on a mission to procure Christmas cards, a few presents and, of course, enjoy a coffee. Largely successful except for the disappointment of finding the only music shop in town had closed and had been replaced by a Nepalese restaurant.

Generally getting Christmas planning under way this afternoon while Susan worked on her Christmas card. The Doddington Ukes group is off tonight so it will be Uketok instead.

Thank you for the interest in the Zoe trial. First full day after all the tests and muffins of yesterday. Very interesting glucose response to my morning porridge and lunch. The porridge showed steep spike followed by a deep trough both outside the normal range. I felt the trough whilst walking. I believed porridge was good carb being slow release. The monitor showed this not to be the case for me.

There are mitigating foods that can be added to porridge to make its impact less including nut butter, seeds and cocoa nibs or make it with water. And sandwiches can be mitigated too. We’ll see.

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