
This little cacti is starting to bloom. It was a cutting from 5ne big one I blipped a few weeks ago. I never expected it to bloom this year.
I was woken up this morning by a text message telling me that the husband of a friend of ours had passed away this morning. He was admitted to hospital Monday after a fall and fractured several ribs. He deteriorated very quickly and developed pneumonia . He was 90. Such a shock for his wife as she was expecting him to be moved at the end of 5he week into a local rehab unit to get him properly mobile again.
Gym first thing a bit of shopping the a bit of gardening early afternoon
Yesterday was something else.- a colleague at ‘work’ (hope cafe) is isolating as she has been in close contact with a Covid case. So up and out fir the shopping, home then to my church for Toddlers together coffeee rota. Left Alan clearing up whilst I dashed off to St. John’s fir the cafe . Only served 30 lunches but it felt very busy.. Arrived home absolutely shattered and I still had the last question of my Bible study to do before the meeting on Zoom.
Glad when it was bedtime !!

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