
By earthdreamer

A Bandstand

Of which there are many in Roundhay Park

A little story. Down to poor time management - trying to squeeze my Covid boosterisation and an urgent delivery and dinner (cooked by Forrest - and excellent it was) into too small a slot of time - E and I were running late to see Henry Normal at the King's Hall. A friend had recommended his show. We arrived at the venue a single minute before the gig was due to start at 8 o'clock. As we approached the entrance we were relieved to find someone else running late.
    "Here for the show?" he asked.
    "If they'll still let us in," I answered.
    "Stick with me," he said. "They can't start without me."
It was Henry. We snuck in and he put on a jolly good show. A genuinely entertaining guy. And some of his more poignant poems were actually rather good. Worth seeing if you get a chance.

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