Designer dog bowl

A visit to Crieff Ceramics, ostensibly for Liv to stick one foot in clay, and one hand in paint to make a  plaque thing and an expensive Christmas bauble. This was accomplished very efficiently and quickly, the rest of the morning was spent watching Lorne decorate a dog bowl for Islay, encouraged in the first place by me. Less skilled folk (mostly adults) were colouring in models of unicorns, angels and Christmas trees. Seems like a pretty good business model to me.
I drove home afterwards, the road now opened, and they returned to the Hydro for another night.
 My evening was spent joining a virtual Scottish Wildlife Trust event hosted by Loch of Lowes about pine marten with particular reference to Perth and Kinross where there are very healthy populations. It seems to be a good news story across the whole country, with evidence of otter and pine marten living in close proximity beside rivers and lochs, and several sightings in unexpected locations including Airdrie. I had always imagined them to exclusively inhabit coniferous forest which is clearly not the case.

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