
By Mindseye

Step back in time

Slept ok, woke a few times, up just after half 7, hair washed and dried, porridge and raspberries for breakfast, then off out to meet up with my friend……..a visit to Ramsbottom, not been there for over 30 years. 

Parked up, met Jackie, we went to the apparently famous butchers, Walmsleys…..to be honest it was a fabulous butchers, bought some lovely things! As did Jackie for herself and friends, a shipping order lol!! 

Next we went into Room 34,  had a lovely coffee and natter for a while….it was pretty chilly this morning to be far.  Took our purchases back to the cars, then went for a longer wander and mooch, almost bought a lovely grey sweater, bit pricey though, £80!  Then into Owens for lunch, really nice place……had homemade tomato soup, homemade salmon and potato rosti fishcakes, so nice! 

Walking back to the cars we stumbled across this old filling station, complete with these old diesel pumps……..blip right there ;-) 

From Ramsbottom drove via Pennington Flash so I could photograph “The Fire Within” installation, there all week until Sunday…….or supposed to be! They had just taken it all out of the water and put it on a lorry because of tomorrows forecasted Storm…..I chose this aft as the sunset looked good, parked up got my camera gear, walked along the waters edge, nothing, zero, nada :-(  so miffed! Apparently its going to be installed at Salford Quays next week……

So back in the car, then drove to Liverpool to youngest sons and Dil for my tea…l.had a lovely lamb and cabbage sri lankan curry. Agood ol catch up for 4 hours, hen drove home in the dark and rain…..went to fill up with diesel, as the red light had just come on as I got within a couple of miles of home. £70 to fill up now!! 

Walked through the door, around 9.30, been out for best part of 12 hours lol!  Unpacked my stuff, chicken etc ito the freezer, brought the bins in, made myself and a brew…………and breathe 

Its now just gone 11, work in the morning. Friday again, no idea where this week has gone! 

The dates at the moment feel very significant, as we are now into last years territory in terms of hubs diagnosis…….Saturday is a year to the day we got the awful news :-( 

Trying my best not to let it all come crashing in:-/

Goodnight all 

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