5 Girls on a Couch

We had a few people missing, but we still had 16 for the 2 p.m. dinner. Thanksgiving turkey, with all the fixins. The age gamut went from Sage (8 months) to my 94 year old dad.

From L to R is wife Lisa, daughter Julie, niece Markie, baby Sage, and S-I-L Lori. 

In the Extras is daughter Karen with grandson Merrick, son Jeff with D-I-L Heather, and baby Sage with my nephew Scott. 4 weeks ago, Scott was in a big work truck, and ran over some live telephone wires. The drivers are taught when that happens to jump out of the truck. Scott jumped, but broke his leg. As it was, the wires fried the tires of the truck, so it was good that he got out of it.

Even with that, we all have a lot to be thankful for.

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