What's in the box, Mr B?
Back when the good times were rolling, Mr B started buying claret 'en primeur' (you buy it before bottling - you get it cheaper and the vinyard gets some cash earlier to help with cashflow). Given our unfortunate wine cellar/boiler room confusion, the wines live with an agent in Suffolk. Very sweetly they send us reports every year on how the wine is doing: "D'Issan shows great promise, but must work harder at spelling". That kind of thing.
The last report told us that the Chateau D'Issan 2001 was Ready To Drink (hurrah!) So it arrived today, we cracked the box open (with a variety of tools!) and, seeing as how it's [pause for quick Google check] the anniversary of the announcement of a yellow fever vaccine for humans (1932)... it seemed rude not to open a bottle to celebrate...
Also, best to check it's ok before inflicting it on any guests.
It passed.
Might have to check another bottle soon though in case that was just a flukey one...
Now, what with the recent Bolly blip and all, it would be easy for you to get the impression that we are:
a. Always drinking; and
b. Flash.
We're not (really, ask anyone. Well, except maybe anyone who's met us. You can never tell what weird impressions folk pick up).
But I do think in these cash strapped times, it's heartening to fall back on the little luxuries we laid in when times were good. I think of us as being squirrels gratefully falling on the nuts secreted away in October.
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