Dig this thing
Spent the morning digging at a friend's - trying to sort her out with a veg patch and give me somewhere to put all these plants I keep sowing.
Afternoon spent gasping in horror at the amount the local council are going to charge us for getting photocopies of some documents we need for our house sale. (£60 for one plan - and it will take 3 weeks)
Evening at blipmeet in Edinburgh which would have been a completely lovely experience but for some very mean folk (who shall remain nameless....*) making me sit in front of the video thingy where I just had no idea what to do. That aside, it was a lovely chance to meet some new blippers (including one planning on starting tonight) catch up with some old faces and clap lots for the very worthy winners of the unstaged thingummy.
Despite the chance of blipping a very very cute baby (baby 42) I felt I had to go with this lollipop man.
* You know who you are.
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