Tomorrow never comes

Yesterday the forecast said 'Severe winds tomorrow', a yellow warning in fact, coming down from Northern Scotland along the west coast. I shut all the windows last night, but nothing happened, apart from a few puffs of wind as per normal. Maybe it's still to come - as of 3.15pm all is still calm.

I had a dental check-up early this morning and on the way back passed the barber's shop. I waved to Bob, as I usually do, then he beckoned me in. He must have seen that I needed a haircut! He has a number of old wooden signs on the walls, 'Shave and haircut, 6d' and the like, but it's this one which always makes me laugh. 

I proffered my card, having forgotten that he only takes cash. Not to worry, he said, pop in with it when you're passing. If I'd thought of it at the time I would have said 'I'll pay you tomorrow'!

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