
For sen seconds only maybe, but still got Jamie this morning.

Had just woken him (in time for full English for brunch) when I told him that the internet wasn't working due to 5 major nodes being taken down in order to manage the ongoing DDNoS attack that has been going on for some while. For a few seconds he was contemplating the massive consequences on his day when he remembered the date. I had to beat a hasty retreat as he chased me downstairs laughing but threatening to thump me. Oh joy!

I had just been into town to get some fresh bread having forgotten to make some last night. I decided on Bedworth so that I could visit the Almshouses.

Originally constructed on a different site in 1715 from money left by a local benefactor, the Rev Nicholas Chamberlain, it was rebuilt here by the trustees in 1840. The buildings were threatened in the 1980s but the trust managed to get them listed and then generate funding for a massive renovation project. Today they provide numerous sheltered accommodation flats. Being right in the centre of town I'm sure the residents love them.

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