Reached the summit of Mount Everest

For those of you who read our Blips regularly; you will know how Ann always loves to have a little project to work on and that our latest project is to climb 'Mount Everest'. Not literally. According to Google, 'Mount Everest' is 29,032ft high and it takes on average 2 months to climb.

We started this project on the 21st October 2021 with the aim of completing it by Christmas. And yet here we are...................... at the summit on Day 38. Whoopeee dooo!!!

Ann is so glad that we've finished it because she was getting really fed up of taking me for walks up hills every day and walking up four flights of stairs when we've got a perfectly good lift to our fourth floor flat.

..............Oh and you would have thought that as we've been climbing up four flights of stairs every time we come home and climbing at least 500ft of hills every day..................... Ann might have become fitter and thinner and lost a bit of weight??!! Nope!!!!!

Oh well, hey ho, that's another of Ann's mad projects done and dusted.

This is a Blip of me at the top of the hill in 'Braidburn Valley Park' this morning. It didn't feel particularly windy, but 'Storm Arwen' who names these storms? had obviously done a lot of damage during the night because there were at least three big trees that had been blown over.

Ann did a four hour shift at her new job at 'Wilkies' and then I went back to the park this afternoon. It was getting dark but I still managed to find another manky old tennis ball. Yay. How clever am I?

I got left 'home alone' again while Ann popped round to her friends house early evening for dinner and wine but she didn't stay for long because she was missing me.

And that's been our day. Happy Saturday night Blippers. Xx

PS – We need a new project for December. Any suggestions???

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