Après moi …

… le deluge.

You can just see first snow on Falterona- snow line at maybe 1300m.

Spent the morning taking the swimming pool apart after draining it yesterday. I found an amazing trick on a forum to separate the liner from the metal poles which gets very stuck and clearly has caused many people a load of grief. You push a cord/rope between sleeve and pole - actually easier with the cord tied to broom handle or similar. Then make a loop with figure 8 knot and carefully ease it around the pole under the liner. Pull gently on cord to make sure it is around pole . Then jerk the cord back and amazingly it separates what seems the intractable liner from the metal tube which can then be pulled out of the sleeve.

Here is the link https://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/need-tricks-for-removing-horizontal-bars-in-an-intex-ultra-frame-pool.103089/

Meanwhile the day has gone careening downhill. Temp now at1.9c early afternoon with heavy rain with a mind to turn to snow. 20mm of rain yesterday. Frost on the way. And like an eejit I’ve still to get the lemon trees to their winter quarters. Maybe the rain will let up.

Awful news in so many ways - not least for benighted ZA- about Omnicrom..

The snow (extra) is now at 700m. Changed this for the drama of sun shifting on the slopes of Mt Penna where St Frank got the stigmata

See another extra for the lemon trees moving on

And the bits of the swimming pool

And all the fresh coriander we’ve stuck up to dry above the fire because frost threatens.

A last thought: what with all this hooha about yon Fab 4 and Get Back ( the Disney thing) I was listening to some tracks - A day in the life is one of my favourites. And I wondered if Blipfoto could have some sort of facility for a Day in the Life entries. Where you get four or five photos to give a more in depth day of your life. Blipfoto bangs on about ‘curating’ your life. But maybe sometimes, maybe once a year, maybe we could all say something more about a day in our lives. Not a special or significant day. But just a day. At random. With words and photos together. A taking stock that could be prepared and thought about more than the instantaneous day after dayness of Blipping, that might even break the hallowed only-on-this-day strictures of the founding voices. Just a thought.

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