Sunshine and snow showers (Day 2395)

Sigyn was delighted to find that overnight snow had left an inch or so of lying snow for her to rampage around in on her morning wander up the hill.
Back home, and after sorting a few things out, my beautiful wife and I donned sensible clothing and headed to Stromness. We stopped off at Mum and Dad's and cleared snow from their driveway then slithered along to do horse chores. The view from the shed was worthy of a blip. It is always nice to see HV surrounded by her herd as she walks across the field (extra).
Home for lunch then out with Sigyn at Lyde, where there was ample opportunity for her to wriggle around in the snow.
Later, as HV zoomed off for more hoss chores, I headed for Stenness to check on a shower I fitted a year ago. The customer was sure it was leaking, but it turned out to be the washing machine leaking in another room which was causing the damp carpet in the hallway.

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