It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Ice Breaker

We finally got out on the Kayaks. I've got another cold thanks to a girl at work. But I was not going to miss another chance to go. I hardly slept but at 5:20am I could stay in bed no longer and launched out to get breakfast and find the camera to use in conjunction with phone. 
The yellow deck bag is excellent for my D7100 and I had a special waterproof case for the phone too. Garri didn't seem so keen to get out of bed so I left him till 7:30am then we started to get ready. It was minus 3 this morning and Garri said to me perhaps we better go check the canal isn't frozen. Nah don't  be silly I said it needs to be about minus 8 to freeze that but upon arrival I looked over the bridge and lock gate to see ICE.  Ooops. 
We got the kayaks across the road and ready to go and as we put them in the water the ice crackled and gradually gave way. If we hadn't seen a narrow boat coming towards us breaking the thick ice we might not have made it so far.  It made for more muscle power to push through but when the sun did come out it was pure bliss being out on the water. We had bought all the correct gear which all worked beautifully. 
It was a dam great day. Totally enjoyed myself. 3 hours of paddling.
Back home I cooked dinner but am suffering with the cold and my eyes watered so much and because I'm sneezing with this dam cold my eyes looked like I've been punched in the face but hopefully it'll go.
A couple of extras---------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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