Exit stage left

By NessD

Going round in circles


I tried but even on April 1 I couldn't leave that on for too long otherwise my friends who blip or lurk would be in severe danger of apoplexy.

Metaphorically, though it does rather sum up my day. Not least because I didn't twig it was Monday until mid-afternoon so have hurriedly started washing the work clothes I need for tomorrow.

I tried going for a blip walk late afternoon. The feet said NO but I ignored them for long enough to source supplies (a.k.a. chocolate) but not enough to get a decent blip. Priorities?! I did learn one useful lesson though. I have to start being less embarrassed about taking photos of random things. If I'd taken that photo when I first spotted it, it wouldn't have been ruined by the sun. On balance though, I'll take a ruined photo for a sight of the sun!


And yes, I do seem to have a think for road signs. I just think they're brilliantly designed, simple forms of communication. Particularly in the UK. Although, the typically Aussie "WRONG WAY, GO BACK!" signs always make me giggle.

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