Inspired by Legodude

Thank you for all your good wishes yesterday. Thankfully, I’ve been feeling much better today.

Lots of quite purposeful faffing this morning, trying to get ahead of the game as we’ll be away for a week or so from next Friday. We’re up in Manchester to spend the weekend with Chris who is coming from California for business meetings in the city. Then we’re travelling to Shropshire on the way back to visit relatives.

That means I’ve been writing cards for Shropshire relatives and packing presents up for Chris to take back for Landon. On top of this we’ve been dealing with the letting agent and we had someone viewing today. So fingers crossed.

Ran a few errands this afternoon which meant that we passed the Bearsted Christmas tree and naturally it made a blip. As I said in the title, I was inspired by Legodude’s entry: The wonder in the eyes of the young and the young at heart!

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