St Andrews

Today the bigger wildlings had to wear tartan or blue and white to school. They wanted their faces painted . Lincoln was shouting "freedom". 

I kept Harp at home today as she was up really early so we did a 3d dinosaur jigsaw when the Jedi was sleeping. I also put up some fairy lights around the house and some Christmas lights and decorations outside. Mr R wouldn't have any if he had his way. 

It's been a busy and productive day. The Jedi has been into absolutely everything. Playing with the washing machine button's ( when it was on ) . Playing with the dishwasher buttons ( again when it was on ). He got his head stuck in a cupboard at one point. He broke a egg, nearly broke himself when he fell off the playroom sofa. He's been at the lights, he switches my cooker on ( I have to keep it off at the wall ). Does anybody want him. He's good for keeping you fit as you have to constantly run round after him. 

My extra is my dodgy finger. The knuckle is healing wrong so I will ask about it when I'm at the doctor's tomorrow. That's not why I'm there. But I'm way too busy this week to go and get it x-rayed . 

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