Her own style

Well I don't want to bore you all with my lack of sleep but I tried my bed last night and would you believe that when I was sleeping my shoulder locked above my head. The pain was unbelievable. So I took some strong meds when I got downstairs, I couldn't get back to sleep. Awake from just after 2am. I'm knackered and about to have another espresso to keep me awake. I'll go straight on the chair tonight. I'm glad that it's not really sore through the day. Except a little today. But I had to take Carson out of the trailer earlier and cuddle him in while trying to get home as fast as I could. He was screaming for nearly two hours that " my tummy hurt, my tummy hurts". I'm not sure if it's his tummy because he can't explain things well and since we've been home and he's had calpol he's been fine and had half my salad for lunch. Although he was wrapped up in waterproofs, I'm wondering if it was the cold that was annoying him. 

Harp was learning about St Andrew today. She drew a picture of some Scotland flags and drew a picture of Jesus:) . 

The boys got on great at school, and Xander loved going swimming again. Typical boy, doesn't know how to squeeze  his wet things out. 

It's so cold and I'm struggling to warm up. I had to give Harp my Jacket on the way home from nursery as she was freezing, so she got mines and I tried to stay warm and try and jog home with them in the trailer because the Jedi was so distressed and I wanted to get home as quickly as I could. 

I think I will be sleeping not long after the Wildlings tonight. My pain meds at night knock me out within twenty minutes for a good three hours. Gosh I hope I sleep better tonight. 

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Carson is going to nursery first thing with Harp tomorrow. I need to stay close to the school, so Mr R will drop me off near my sister's and then drop the two wee ones at nursery. I'm hoping because he's taking the Jedi that he will settle better. And I've said to the teachers that I'll only be 10 minutes away and not the usual forty minute walk. So if Carson gets distressed I won't be long in getting him. I'll be walking about 7 miles tomorrow. Going from nursery to home and then back and forth again when I pick Harp up later in the afternoon. 

Nana and grandad are in Glasgow. My father in law goes for another operation on his eye tomorrow. Please cross your fingers that it actually works this time and he gets his sight back. 

Oh I applied for a job today. It's for a support worker for additional support needs in a school and only two days a week. I think it's a January start which would be great if I got it. As the song goes " what will be will be ..... " 

Can u see the Jedi in my extra? He's worse than a cat . 

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