Conic Hill

Thank you to everyone for their good wishes and kind comments yesterday on my 365th, all greatly appreciated. Since I started my blip journey on 1st April last year I feel that today is my true blip birthday and shall celebrate with a glass of wine. Please feel free to join me...

I took an hour out to walk into Drymen to buy a newspaper and to climb to the viewpoint opposite the Buchanan Arms Hotel in search of a scenic blip. It was a beautiful sunny day and not as cold as of late.

Instead of the loch I've chosen a view of the Conic, the hill towering over Balmaha. Its slopes will have been well trampled this Easter weekend with so many walkers doing the West Highland Way.

I feel it has been far too long since I gave you one of my signature 'barbed wire' blips, so this is today's choice with Conic Hill in the background. Have a closer look.

It has been a very busy day, but everything was clean and tidy by the time P arrived mid-afternoon, so I said goodbye to Pookie and Monty and am now back in my own flat, still unpacking. I hope to catch up on comments soon.

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