Au Revoir et Bon Voyage!

Having had both of the young MacFreuchies together for a grand total of 12 hours, half of which were spent sleeping, I have now waved them both off in different directions.

D#1 has departed for Denmark via a business meeting in Newcastle, while D#2, otherwise known as Lulabel177 has set off for the summer in France in her trusty old Yaris packed to the gunwales, with her dog Mabel for company. She is visiting some friends on the way, so won't actually cross the Channel until Sunday.

After the chatter and laughter, suddenly the place is very quiet again. Pookie and Monty don't say much...

Many thanks to everyone for their good wishes and kind comments on my 730th, all greatly appreciated. Today is my 'proper' Blip birthday and I'm planning to raise a glass in celebration later this evening. Please feel free to join me :-)

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