Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Saturday — South to SoCal

(Back blip on 12/1/2021— I’m not sure how I missed this, but I did)

We headed back to SoCal because we have a birthday to celebrate (mine—woohoo), the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching, some doctoring stuff, and great-grandkids to visit. We have enjoyed the Central Coast for three weeks.

We were a little beyond halfway to our destination when Mr. Fun pulled off the freeway and asked me to drive. “Oh, okay!” That’s a switch! I don’t mind driving, but when he NEVER “allows” me to drive it is a little freaky to get behind the wheel as we’re approaching Los Angeles with its several freeway transitions, not to mention the heavier traffic. But that’s what I did.

Later I explained that if he would “let” me drive more often when we’re doing a road trip, it would not feel so freaky for me when all of a sudden he needs me to drive because his knee (or something else) is hurting. It is easy to slip into the comfort of always riding. Being the passenger is quite fine with me, but I think it’s idiotic when only one of us feels comfortable driving.

Several years ago after he had played the role of “Ricky Racer” or maybe it was “Mr.Toad’s Wild Ride” that I explained that I’d either be driving my own car and he could drive his or I’d be driving us both and he could figure out which he preferred. And of course, he let me drive the next several road-trips. But my lack of enjoying driving (partially because he does way too much backseat riding; he hates when I do that to him) and my enjoyment of being the passenger makes it too easy to slip into letting him drive again. So here I was driving again. Sheeeeeesh!

Then we made one last potty stop in a very busy gas station/mini-mart about 30 minutes from our house and I asked him to drive. Obviously we arrived home safely.

It was rather fun to be back at the other house, especially since it’s been quite warm at our coast place and there is no air conditioning there and there is at the SoCal place.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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