Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Dreading it

Beltane is fast approaching and so the final few days of preparation begin. There's bags to pack, costumes to be fire proofed, final panics to be had and of course, hair to be put in.

I've been wearing wool dreads for all the Samhuinn (the opposite festival to Beltane, happens in October, celebration of the end of summer and start of winter) festivals I've been in. Last year I wore them for Beltane. This year I decided to wear them again (mainly for the extra warmth that wearing half a sheep gives you) but so did a number of other members of my group. Putting them in can take over 5 hours as the hair needs to be braided first and then the dreads wired in. In short, many hours of dreading ahead!

I had hoped to break my rule of no collage shots and do a before/during and after shot of Stephen having his dreads put in but time ran away with us and we didn't finish them. Instead I've gone for a work in progress shot.

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