Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Finally on our way

Our first trip on the Eurotunnel wasn't the best. Obviously we knew it would be busy as it was Good Friday, however that seemed to have passed the timetablers by as there were delays due to high volume of traffic! The terminal was rammed but we were luck enough to get a table and then we guarded it jealously. Once we were actually on the train (90mins after were we scheduled) there was another delay due to a freight train breaking down infront of us.

Through out it all the kids were fantastically good. We arrived at Gillian and Neil's later than expected at around 19.45 Belgium time to find two tried but excited children waiting for our two tired but excited children.

Kids in bed very quickly and then a nice meal, a glass of Belgium beer and a chat and all was well in the world again.

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