Odd day which still has a few hours left.
Did some reading - shock and was getting into a juicy bit of the book when we had a surprise visit from A, J and F. I couldn't stop grinning as it was so unexpected. 
We did end up having a big debate around friggin covid and Christmas and going out though. We had planned on going to a pub for the first time in forever as Adam is now off steroids and really wants a pint in a pub. We've been talking about it for weeks and today Rob casually drops into the convo that he's read that it's now 1 in 60 of the population who have it so we will have to be careful. Well of course we'd be bloody careful and if the pub was heaving we'd not go in. He said his concern was it scuppering christmas IF we caught it tomorrow. We kept pointing out that although that was possible it would be unlikely and anyway Adam, Jessica and Jack are out in the world everyday at work. Jessica is working in a school ffs. Anyway long and short of it is we are going to look after Freckle tomorrow so Adam and Jennie can go for drink themselves. Tbh that's probably a much better plan as they haven't been out as a couple for over a year. (Neither have we but hey ho) 

In other news the alcohol rack is looking very healthy. 
Christmas ready. 

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