
By bigred1977

Newtown Book Shop

So we made it through to Sydney this afternoon all safe & well.

Found out that I'm up for another interview for a different job I'm in for, they are trying to arrange it for Friday.... two interviews in the one day .... that will be fun !!! Fingers crossed one of them works out !!!

Todays picture was taken in this bizarre 2nd hand book shop near where Chris & Maja live. The books are stacked high & every where & the place seemed to go on for ever. Quite claustrophobic & disorganized , I think the Librarian in Andrea found it a struggle !!!

We all went to a really great Mexican place for dinner , which we'd missed out on last time we were here. Then came back to theirs & played House of the Dead on the wii & watched the movie Step Brothers..... both stupid good fun !!!

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