Sometime my phone takes photos that I don't intend.
We walked into Burgos today. It rained, so the cameras stayed home. I took many photos, some of which are quite good, considering that they came from a phone.
For reasons that I don't fully understand, I am sharing the accidental image instead of a good one. I don't know... there's just something about it.
We leave tomorrow and make incremental progress towards Portugal. We are fitting in an extra stop because of logistics. We need to get a Covid test in Zamora but it's a holiday on Monday, Spain's Constitution Day. As there is no electric hookup at the Zamora aire, and we are uncertain how long we need to stay, plus we will go to Bragança after our tests and there's no electricity there either... we need to avoid flattening our batteries as there's not enough sun around to serve the solar panel charging.
To avoid arriving at Zamora too early to be able to get a test, we are splitting the difference and going to another campsite halfway.
It sounds complicated and perhaps it is, slightly, but it got a whole lot more complicated when we were reminded that some establishments are closed on Tuesday too. Then we found out that Wednesday is also a public holiday!
There's a chance that if we delay long enough the need for a test will go away. The European Commission have written to Portugal to ask them to rethink and to fall in line with the remainder of the EU.
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