Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Hot from the Oven

This was a busy day and the evening was going to be just as busy, so as the afternoon aged, I told Mr. Fun that I was going to bake a Marie Callendar's pot pie for my dinner. He thought that seemed like a good idea. So there it is. It was delicious.

We spent a little bit of time this afternoon looking at cars: pre-owned and new. Mr. Fun has needed a newer car for a long time and now that his right leg is hurting so much and the doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong and all they do is give meds for pain, he has decided that he'd like to have a car with a seat that is in a more upright position, higher from the floor of the car. So we looked at the Honda CR-V and the Ford Escape. Today we met two very pleasant sales men, one at the Honda Dealership and one at the Ford Dealership. It's been a long time since we've purchased a new car. So we may take a while figuring out what car we want this time.

Tomorrow my students will write their in-class essay. So I think I am prepared with all that I need to take to the classroom with me in the morning. Now I'm just plain tired and need to get to bed.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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