
By Tryfan46

Easter Sunday - Catkins

Our almost daily customary walk today took us around Bearsted Golf Course and Bearsted Woodland Trust. The footpath along the edge of the course runs alongside a small stream which is always a great place for birds. Today was special as we saw, for the first time, a Goldcrest. I was unable to take a shot as it flitted around the trees and bushes. Goldcrests are Britain's smallest birds, smaller than a Wren and weighing in at less than a 10 pence piece.

However, despite the continuing cold weather and biting easterly winds nature is marking the turn of the seasons, allbeit 3 or 4 weeks later. Catkins are out enmasse now and these were typical of masses that festooned this tree. Did you notice the tiny red flower above the catkin? No, I didn't until it was pointed out by my wife. It's the female flower pollenated by wind bourne pollen from the male catkins.

After a long walk it was back to roast shoulder of English lamb which had been cooking for over 4 hours while we were out. It was a Jamie Oliver recipe where the lamb sits on a bed of garlic and rosemary and is covered by garlic and rosemary and foil and slow roasted. When cooked the garlic and rosemary, together with mint, redcurrant jelly, chopped capers and red wine vinegar combine with some of the juice from the roast to make a spectacular gravy. And there is plenty of meat and gravy left over for Shepherds Pie in the week.

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