
By XSworld


This morning was the perfect morning for a hoarfrost photo, much better than the days before. While I drove off to work I kept my eyes on the fields that I pass in my car to choose a good place for todays blip. From experience I know where on my way the temperature will be lower and therefore the conditions better for hoarfrost formation, and I was not disappointed, the field was all white from hoarfrost and there was a beautiful sunrise in the background. I parked the car on the side of a busy road, and walked into the field to confirm that it was suitible before going to get my gear. Wow, really a dreamcondition I thought. Or that is what it would have been if I hadn't stupidly left my camera at the entrance at home! With the morning traffic I did not have time to go back to get it! I closed the boot of the car harder than I should have, sat in the car and drove off rather angry to myself..a feeling that increased when I realized that I hadn't even taken a photo with my cellphone!! I only have a photo in my head, but internet connections to the gray matter are (still) only possible in science fiction books/movies so I cannot share it on blipfoto.

As my anger started to melt away I thought, what is the antidote to anger?
It is the only right answer! And love will also warm on a cold hoarfrost day. A double antidote. So I thought of posting a photo I took with the phone on my sunset walk to the old city of Bergamo last night instead (I hope you don't mind). It shows a random couple enjoying the panoramic view of the lower city from the city walls.
They looked very much in love.

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