
By sbreingan

Fun Park

The view from the roof of Ocean Terminal, when I attempted to get an Easter Egg. The picture is a bit of a busy mess. Much like the park itself.

Why have all the shops gotten rid of their easter eggs the day before easter?
It has all been replaced summer BBQ stuff (I'm sure that will sell well). Don't they know that all men are hopefully disorganised and last minute?

Mrs B was making cookies for the kids at church to decorate tomorrow and then we went out for dinner to The Outsider for a belated celebration of her new job.

I decided to be good and leave the camera at home. When we got to the restaurant, right next to us were big crowds and buzz as several bikers (including Danny MacAskill) were taking part in a Red Bull biking challenge thing around the grassmarket. I didn't take any shots of it, which Mrs B probably appreciated, but it all looked rather exciting.

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