the blink of an eye

By weedave

Pines Paths Pipers and Pictures

back blip

today we ( Ewan Fiona and I ..Alison was in bed with the cold /virul chest infection )went to vsit some friends who were staying away for the weekend at Fingask Castle in Perthshire

I could write a huge long speel about the grounds and what I saw but to be honest you should go see it yourself follows the shortened version

went for long long walk round grounds
took hundreds , nae thousands of pics ( most of which turned out pants )
got the evil eye from a wedding photographer!!!
missed getting pics of the bride (wrong place at wrong time ) although thought the wedding cars were smart ( 3 old VW Beetles)
saw some great staues and items of interest ( phone box above was just one )
had dinner
looked at pics on pals laptop
kids had easter egg hunt
took some more pics including a close up of a buzzard which came out pants as light was too low !!!

came home
see this and this too to see some more

hope you all had a good weekend ....ENJOY

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