Place: St Pete Beach, FL 63/76
Main activity: Mon - fog, 4dogs, Bette
Notes: More big late noises had kept me awake till around 1a and woke up 555a - not a happy camper. Arrived at 4dogs for the 2 walks by 8a and then went thru a little of my things to grab a few items and warmer clothes that I needed. Had heard from Bette Sun that she wanted me to stop by so was over there for a bit to see what she needed. Fog by the Don as I drove back ... fog part didn't show up that well.  Tried for a bath after I got back but filling 3 or 4 times and then waiting 20 min in between for the water to get hot again didn't end up in a hot therapeutic epsom bath. Feeling pretty rotten. Did 2 meditations, was taken out immed on the 2nd one and re-emerged about an hour later feeling groggy but a lot seemed to have been wiped so that helped. Evening fog rolled back in which is somewhat unusual. 

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