Out for some shopping before Storm Barra arrived, I popped over to the Headland where it was low tide and most of the wildlife was sheltering somewhere else. I don't often see herons down there, so you get this one - at the limit of the zoom lens and while I was trying to hold the camera steady in the increasingly buffeting wind. I also saw a stranded seal right up against the sea wall, but the photos I took make it look dead and it wasn't, so I decided not to blip it. It wasn't a baby and was pretty fat and apparently uninjured, but looked very fed up, as far as my limited knowledge of seal expressions could tell. I phoned it in to the Marine Animal rescue people, who thought it would probably be OK but were going to see whether they had any volunteers in the vicinity to come and check.

Barra is definitely upon us now, but far less forceful than other parts of the country. I hope blippers in its path are safe and sound.

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