
By Marionb

Do You See What I See?

..  probably not..I see a big blur with bursts of dazzling light like stars in a fireworks display! You probably see little deer in a forest of Christmas trees on my entryway table... 

Speaking of lenses - which we were not, but it seemed an appropriate way to introduce the topic....I have decided to trade in my old foggy lenses for some dazzlingly clear new ones.  

And I do not mean camera lenses - not that that would be such a bad idea..I could sure use a really amazing macro lens.... ...

But back to reality... and my lenses...I had my first appointment with the opthalmologist this afternoon and she agreed that yes, my lenses are foggy and yes, I do need cataract surgery and yes, life will be absolutely wonderful and I will see the world in a whole new light after the procedure...My photography might even improve!  All I have to do now is get my eyes measured and checked for any obstacles that might disqualify me...That will happen in a couple of weeks...

As everyone knows, during eye examinations, drops are inserted and pupils dilate and you're pretty much blinded by the light for hours...well, it has been almost 10 hours now and my pupils are still somewhat dilated and even writing this is pretty much of a challenge...BUT I did not want to miss a posting...

Not thinking ahead, I had goofed - I had not taken any photos before my appointment, so when I got home,  I immediately took a picture of the first thing I saw - well almost saw - saw very vaguely - and that was the little Christmas vignette that welcomes me when I come in the front door. It was ablaze with bursting stars, so I couldn't really tell if the photo was even in focus at the time, and I am still not sure..but it was the best I could do ....

Missing a posting was not an option...I am getting close to #300..and I imagine wonderful things happen when you get to 300?

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