In Search of Stuff... if we needed any more! 

My brother and I finally arranged to get together for a visit; He doesn't live far away, but despite that, we had not seen each other since cottage it was well past time! 

Rather than sit around chatting we decided to go antiquing. My brother is a collector of things too - it runs in our family.  He loves mid-century modern stuff and already has more than he can handle, but is always interested in finding more...I prefer old china but am at the stage of just looking, as I have too much of it already.... but yes, it is still fun to look and you never know just what you might find - the thrill of the hunt and all...

So off we went to a village in the area that has two antique markets..and yes, my brother found some treasures..heh heh. I did not, but I did think twice about how much fun it would be to wear those Charles and Di slippers.

It was a treat to see my brother after so long and we both miss seeing our sister who does live far away. We usually only get together at the cottage in the summer, so at the end of  cottage season, the big question is, "When shall we three meet again?" 

Well, next week, we hope. My sister is coming down to visit - weather permitting, of course. "In thunder, lightning or in rain?" NOT...and for sure, not in snow!  All of us are too old now to want to drive anywhere in bad weather and we get lots of it here. Oh, to live in a climate where "weather-permitting" is a phrase seldom heard...

Here's to some snow-free days, so we can have our little family get-together before the hurly burly of the Christmas season completely takes over our lives! 

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