River Tweed.

Nipped back home as No 1 and 2 had Easter revision classes at school and dancing this evening.

There's a lovely smell of paint in the kitchen where a man has been working his magic in our absence. No more stains from the exploding chocolate fountain at No 2's birthday BBQ last summer, no toffee stains on the woodwork from the Sticky Toffee Pudding I dropped on the floor a few Christmases ago. Room looks great, but rest of the house now looks manky !

Shopping this afternoon with the girls, this conversation was overheard in a clothes shop between a mum and her little boy (about 5 years old) ....

Boy : (skipping around all the rails of clothes) " sexy.....sexy.....sexy"

Mum: " Darling, .... it's SIXTY not ...SEXY, "

Boy : "60....60......60....."

(oh how we laughed) - a few minutes later he was skipping round again saying " 69.....69.....69"

We left the shop very quickly - snorting with childish laughter!

Back to St Abbs tonight....here's a blip of the beautiful Tweed.

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