Proud Weegie

By Shiv

St Abbs.

Another beautiful sunny day (but still bl***y cold!). Took a trip to Paxton House with Fiona and Gary, and later a trip to view the Chain Bridge - a first time here for them.

Views of the Tweed were stunning, and Gary (who likes to fish!) gave us a running commentary of the art of Salmon fishing. Fascinating though it was (!), we managed to get him to shut up long enough for tea and scones in the tea room (when he's eating he stopped talking about fish - but talked about cheese scones instead!!).

No 1 was studying at the cottage - I think she's getting a bit stressed about her upcoming exams... so she was dragged down to Coldingham Beach to look at the rock pools before dinner.

This was our delayed Easter Sunday dinner (we waited until Fiona came back from returning the stolen car!) - Lamb cooked with Chorizo, Rosemary, Garlic and Rioja....rather nice too.

Took a walk up towards Abbs Head, although we didn't make it all the way as No 3 need a poo/pee return to base camp! Some stunning views from half way up though (best viewed LARGE)

No 1 and No 2 have returned home with me just for tonight, as there is Easter Maths tuition (for No 1) at school tomorrow, and dance rehearsals for them both tomorrow evening.

We'll head back to St Abbs tomorrow.

I backblipped yesterday if you care to look !

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