Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Monday — Sundown Show

This was “Dental Appointment Day” for both of us. I have been going to a dentist here on the Central Coast for several years, so today Mr. Fun did the same and had his first appointment at the dental office I have been going to.

His appointment was 2 hours before mine. So he came back to the house to take me to my appointment and took the pups for a walk through Hardie Park while I was at my appointment.

He also had the opportunity to chat with a guy, Breck, who lives just beyond our neighborhood. We’ve seen Breck many times and waved at him. He drives a beautiful old lime green and white VW camper.

When my appointment concluded I stepped outside the office to phone Mr. Fun, he said he’d be right there to get me, but when it took awhile and I stood waiting in the cold breeze, I knew Mr. Fun had found someone to talk to.

So after I got in the car, we took a drive thru town to look at the shoreline.

We spent the afternoon watching the clouds and knowing that rain is predicted for this coming Thursday and could arrive as early as tomorrow. We’d love for rainfall to happen here.

As the afternoon grew later, I told Mr. Fun that I was feeling lazy and dinner would consist of taking frozen Turkey pot pies from the freezer and putting them in the oven for about an hour. I’d accomplished two tasks at one time . . . I would get dinner ready and I’d warm this little coastal house.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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