Camara da Lobos

Another bright and warm day, and we headed for Camara da Lobos, the fishing village not far from Funchal.

Last month I showed the boats heaped up and being repaired. This morning it was quieter and more orderly, but still a blaze of colour. (You can just see my friend walking across as I framed the shot.)

I returned to the lovely bar that is part of the new Pestana Churchill Bay hotel. The perfect place for people watching and enjoying a leisurely coffee.

Extra : We had the added fun of watching men put up lights which were going across the bay. They were loading from right to left, and at first we could only see “Ano Novo.”. By the time we caught the bus, they’d got as far as “Festas E Ano Novo” 

And Carol spotted a kestrel as we waited for the bus.

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