
By JeanSnaps


Caught the dawn out of my bedroom window then forgot about a blip for the rest of the day.  Went into Glenrothes Town Centre, a bland indoors shopping area to get packaging for my calendars and a birthday card for Andy.  The woman in the stationery shop was great as she pointed out a cheaper option than I was going to buy. We chatted about the number of people not wearing masks.  They're supposed to be worn inside the centre as well as in shops and I was taken aback at how many don't bother.  Not just youngsters but a good few old people as well.  Got a card for Andy with a bit of difficulty. I wanted funny and most featured drink, which he doesn't, farting and old age. Eventually I found something I liked and went off to Marks to buy poinsettias and some Indian ready meals.  Slightly crabby by this time at all the unmasked.   Went on to the Pillars for milk and eggs  and succumbed to wine.  Discovered quite a few people came into that shop unmasked too and are abusive and aggressive if anyone suggests they should put one on. I really was gobsmacked as I've never seen anyone there unmasked but clearly it does happen. The woman I was speaking to finds it really upsetting and no wonder. 
Came home, wrote a couple of letters and packed up my calendars for the post. All the presents are now wrapped and some of the cards are written so I'm feeling much more organised.  I'll take them to the Post Office tomorrow before going to meet Veda for lunch at the Japanese garden.

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